T H E C R Y P T 1 8
Hi there
and a warm welcome to The Crypt 18 . As Ian has just mentioned,
this edition is a complete breakaway from our normal theme of blood, guts and thunder,
however work has already started on editions 19, 20 and even 21, yes, that far ahead, and
we will be back to scare the living daylights out of you again soon.
However we do hope that you enjoy this edition and your comments, either good or bad
would be welcome.The Team at RIYAN Produtions spend a lot of time deciding
on what to put in YOUR magazine, but we really DO need YOUR comments too. So please drop us a line, send us
an email or perhaps you would like to sign our Guestbook on The Crypt website.
Well, that's enough old waffle from me. The Team at RIYAN Pro are waiting for me to finish this
final article and release the edition. And I'm sure that you too would like to continue browsing through the pages.
Read and we hope enjoy.
Ray C. Hawkins
RIYAN Productions